Housecraft - The Witching Hour
Housecraft: The Witching Hour is an immersive podcast variety show for the weird, witchy and strange. Each episode features studies on mythology and lore, lessons on foraging, insight to tarot and more.
Podcasting since 2021 • 35 episodes
Housecraft - The Witching Hour
Latest Episodes
Samhain Surprise!
We're back with all new guests, all new tarot theater and some fun with Edgar Allen Poe. Blessed Samhain, Wayward Ones, I've missed you!Special thanks to Debra Brennan and Lindsey Lopez for being the two witchy aunts we all need, Winfie...
Season 4
Episode 1

A Yuletide Carol
We're finally bringing fun for the whole family with our very own version of Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol", as told through the Major Arcana. This episode features Yuletide traditions, story telling and our very own battle ...
Season 3
Episode 12

Samhain Blessings
Blessed Samhain Wayward Ones! Come in, Come in, warm up by the fire. The forest is full of frightening creatures tonight, so don't dally. Do I have some surprises for you today. It's our anniversary here at Housecraft and we're pulling ou...
Season 3
Episode 11

After Dark: Sex Magic and Divine Sexuality
Welcome to our very first After Dark edition of Housecraft: The Witching Hour. School is our for the day and I'm chatting with Passing Fancy (instagram @witchinthemidst) and Professor Luna (instagram @loganmaluna) over a smoke behind the garden...
Season 3
Episode 10

A Tale of Tarot, Heroes and More
We're getting into the major arcana with a whole cast of exciting characters and the hero's journey like you've never heard before as we use alchemy to explore healing from trauma . With a quick trip to the woods to visit Passing Fancy to get i...
Season 3
Episode 9