Housecraft - The Witching Hour
Housecraft: The Witching Hour is an immersive podcast variety show for the weird, witchy and strange. Each episode features studies on mythology and lore, lessons on foraging, insight to tarot and more.
Housecraft - The Witching Hour
Deity Series: Hel
Welcome back Wayward Ones to part 3 of our Patron Deity Series! The point of this series is to introduce the lore and practice behind different deities, see if one speaks to you. These episodes are a lot of folklore and a lot fun so witches and non alike can all enjoy! We’ve seen the ancient pyramids of Egypt, the caverns of Greece and the fields of China but this week we travel to a pantheon beyond the clouds where a majestic golden hall shines brightly and peacefully. The roof is made of golden shields, the rafters from warriors spears. The great tree, Glasir, stands at the entrance, the most beautiful tree in existance, full of gold and red leaves, glowing in the sunlight. An aroma of roasting boar and spiced meads fill the air. Now that you have the beautiful image of Valhalla in your mind, plunge through the clouds to the earth. Through the earth. Farther and farther. Where everything gets dark and quiet and cold.
The deity I bring you today has a similar dichotomy. She can be described as terrifying and dangerous, or a kind and welcoming caretaker. Her face reflected this duality as well. She was half beautiful goddess, half decayed. Hel was believed to hold dominion over all death, including that of the gods, arguably making her the most powerful deity in Norse mythology. Welcome to the Witching Hour.
Written and Recorded by Mayhem Lu w/ Housecraft LLC, all rights reserved.
Special thanks for the vocal skills of Justin and Taylor Day, Kate Flower and Kailey Diaz (50 States of Terror) for todays characters.
Also a special thanks to these artists over at free sound.org: