Housecraft - The Witching Hour
Housecraft: The Witching Hour is an immersive podcast variety show for the weird, witchy and strange. Each episode features studies on mythology and lore, lessons on foraging, insight to tarot and more.
Housecraft - The Witching Hour
A Housecraft Holiday Extravaganza
The holidays are here and we at Housecraft wanted to thank our listeners with all our hearts. So we teamed up with all our Housecraft podcast family to bring tales of whimsy, murder, cryptids, witchcraft and Yuletide traditions! Join The Witching Hour, 50 States of Terror and Camp Dreadwood as we weave holiday tales just for you!
So Much Credit for this episode:
Voice Acting by:
Kate Flower
Justin Day
Laurenn Montanio
Kailey Diaz
Anthony Diaz
Em Christian
Featuring tales from Camp Dreadwood, 50 States of Terror and Housecraft Presents:The Witching Hour.
Original Music by:
Fuzzy Bunny Fish Fry
Sugar Plum Dark Mix by Kevin Macleod
Tchaikovsky Nutcracker Suite by Bobby Cole
Including sounds by:
"Hawk Call, Single, A.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org
"Running, Snow, A.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org
AmeAngelofSound @ https://www.freesound.org/people/11linda/
Writing By:
Anthony Diaz
Em Christian
Kailey Diaz
Kate Flower
Laurenn Montanio
Patrick Shaw
Em Christian
Kailey Diaz
Kate Flower
Laurenn Montanio
Produced by Housecraft LLC, all rights reserved.